Tour the Teotihuacan Pyramids: Included in Caravan’s Ancient Civilizations Tour


Have you heard of the mysteries of the Teotihuacan pyramids and people? Want to experience it all for yourself? Join us on an extraordinary journey through time to explore the fascinating history of Teotihuacan, a once-great city that thrived in the ancient world.

While much of its history is lost to time, and little is known of its people or story, the remnants of this city remain a point of intrigue to this day. Its imposing pyramids, palaces, and temples tower over long-vacant streets, whispering of long-forgotten stories of a mysterious people.

Whether you’re an avid historian or simply enjoy casually exploring the secrets of years past, the Teotihuacan pyramids are a must-visit. Our 9-day Mexico’s Ancient Civilizations tour takes you to the wonders of this once-great city (plus a few extra stops along the way), giving you plenty of time to explore these enthralling remnants.

Teotihuacan: An Intriguing History

Millennia ago, a towering city stood about 30 miles out of modern-day Mexico City. The city, called Teotihuacan, sprawled across eight square miles, making it one of the largest urban centers of the ancient world.

Teotihuacan, a city shrouded in the mists of time, holds a history that is as captivating as it is enigmatic. Its secrets, lost to the ages, have left historians yearning to delve deeper into its mysteries. Today, we know only fragments of its past, but these fragments paint a vivid picture of a life lived so many years ago, sparking a sense of wonder and curiosity in all who hear its tale.

They estimate the city was built around 2,100 years ago, thriving with over 100,000 people in its midst. Like many great cities, it burned bright for a while before fizzling out, finding its doom around 1,400 years ago.

Yet, while many cities of ancient times became “lost” to the outside world, the knowledge of Teotihuacan’s presence persisted. In the years that followed, various peoples visited the land. While its original splendor had long since faded, people continued to visit. For example, the Aztecs made regular pilgrimages to the site, eventually giving it the name it still has to this day: Teotihuacan, which means “the place where the gods were created.”

Modern-Day Teotihuacan

Today, many of Teotihuacan’s impressive structures still tower over long-vacant streets. A few parts of the city were lost in a fire during the city’s decline, but many remain standing.

On the main avenue, called the Avenue of the Dead, a handful of pyramid complexes still remain. Multiple well-known pyramids sit along this two-mile stretch. For example, the Pyramid of the Moon, a 150-foot-tall structure, sits at the northern end of the street. The structure has multiple elevated platforms thought to have been used for rituals, plus several tombs within that contain human and animal remains, likely from sacrifices.

Roughly half a mile down the avenue sits the Pyramid of the Sun, a 200-foot pyramid completed around 200 AD. To this day, it’s one of the largest remaining structures constructed in the pre-Columbian New World. The Temple of the Feathered Serpent, or “La Ciudadela,” sits south of the Pyramid of the Sun. It features multiple heads of Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent god, and Tlaloc, an ancient storm God.

While these pyramids are undoubtedly the stars of the show, they’re not the only structures that remain. Various apartment compounds, palaces, and temples flank the pyramids, lining the Avenue of the Dead.

Many color-filled murals brighten the walls throughout the city, complemented by the pictographic figures that were likely the people’s writing system (although this is a debated topic among historians and professors).

Caravan’s Ancient Civilizations Tour: What to Expect

Our Mexico’s Ancient Civilizations tour is a cultural experience. It takes you to some of the most incredible sights in the area and allows you to immerse yourself in the intriguing stories of years gone by. It’s the perfect experience for history buffs, especially if you enjoy an immersive, hands-on excursion.

If you plan to explore Mexico’s ancient civilizations with us, here’s what you can expect from your itinerary:

Day One: Mexico City

Your journey starts in Mexico City. Once you touch down at the Mexico City International Airport, you’ll grab transportation to your hotel, located in downtown Mexico City. Hotel check-in starts at 4:00 p.m., so if you arrive earlier, you’ll have plenty of time to explore the city on your own.

After checking into the hotel, join us at 8:00 p.m. for a welcome briefing. Here, you’ll meet your travel companions for the next nine days and learn about the details of the trip.

Day Two: Teotihuacan and the Museum of Anthropology

If Teotihuacan is what you’re here for, you won’t have to wait long! Day two brings you to the grandeur of Teotihuacan, giving you plenty of time to explore its wonders. We’ll visit Teotihuacan in the morning, spending time strolling through its streets and exploring the towering pyramids and palaces.

It gets pretty toasty in the afternoons, and since there’s not much shade to be had in the city’s ruins, we head out around lunchtime. In the afternoon, we’ll visit Mexico City’s world-famous National Museum of Anthropology.

The museum is home to an assortment of priceless archaeological treasures, like the massive Aztec Calendar Stone. We’ll spend an afternoon browsing through the museum, soaking in the fascinating facts of years past.

Day Three: Puebla and Veracruz

On day three, we make our way to Puebla, a colonial city famous for its many churches. While there, we’ll visit the nearly 400-year-old Basilica Cathedral of Puebla, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We’ll meander through the Zocalo Park and Plaza, located in Puebla’s historic center.

After lunch, we’ll embark on a scenic drive through the coffee-growing region of Xalapa to the port city of Veracruz. This romantic city is a melting pot of culture, featuring influences of people from the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa. The streets are lively with activities, including lots of upbeat music from mariachi bands, guitarists, and marimba bands.

Day Four: La Venta and Palenque

Day four brings you on a morning drive along Veracruz’s picturesque waterfront before continuing on through mango orchards and pineapple fields. The drive takes you through Mexico’s coastal wetlands, giving you an incredible view of the lush vegetation throughout.

We’ll stop at La Venta Park for pictures and visit the mysterious Olmec heads, which are giant stone carvings standing up to 12 feet tall. They date back thousands of years, preceding ancient Nahua, Maya, and Aztec civilizations by millennium.

In the late afternoon, we’ll continue to Palenque to kick off day five.

Day Five: Palenque

On day five, we’ll explore Palenque. This area is home to ancient Mayan ruins, set in a dense jungle and surrounded by lush vegetation. While weathered by time, several structures in the ruins still remain standing. We’ll wander through the Main Plaza, stopping to see the Temple of the Inscriptions and the Governor’s Palace.

After exploring the ruins, you’ll have the rest of the afternoon to yourself. Explore the sights and activities of the surrounding area, or spend the afternoon soaking up the sun at the hotel pool—it’s up to you! After a morning full of activity, we love a nice, relaxing afternoon nap by the pool.

Day Six: Campeche and Merida

We’ll head north through Campeche on day six, stopping for lunch along the Gulf of Mexico before continuing on to Merida. This is Yucatan’s capital and cultural center, home to stunning colonial architecture, lively markets, and a flourishing cultural scene.

While you’re here, enjoy all the city has to offer, such as the Plaza Grande, a beautiful spot surrounded by historic buildings, including the Merida Cathedral and the Casa de Montejo.

Day Seven: Uxmal and Merida

The morning of day seven is filled with a drive to the stunning mansions of Montejo Boulevard, complete with sights of the Plaza de la Independencia and the imposing Merida Cathedral. The cathedral stands over a sacred Maya site, constructed with reclaimed temple stone.

Later in the morning, we’ll continue to the Mayan Ruins of Uxmal, renowned for its intricate Puuc-style architecture, complete with elaborate stone carvings and decorative facades. Wander through the intriguing streets, viewing structures that were once a hub of activity, like the Pyramid of the Magician, the Nunnery Quadrangle, and the Governor’s Palace.

The afternoon is free for your choice of activities, whether you want to kick back and relax or keep the momentum going with more exploration.

Day Eight: Chichén Itzá and Cancun

On day eight, we’ll travel east across the Yucatan peninsula to visit Chichén Itzá, one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. Its name means “At the brim of the well where the Wise Men of the Water Live” in Maya. Chichén Itzá is one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico today, drawing countless visitors every year.

Throughout the morning, we’ll walk around, viewing the Castle Pyramid before visiting the Ballcourt and the Group of a Thousand Columns. After lunch, we’ll continue to Cancun, enjoying a farewell dinner to close out the trip.

Day Nine: Cancun

Day nine closes the tour, bringing our ancient civilizations excursion to an end. The hotel is located near the airport, ensuring you don’t have to travel far to make your flight. Transfers to the airport are available via the hotel’s courtesy shuttle.

Explore Teotihuacan’s Wonders With Caravan

If a Teotihuacan tour is on your bucket list, our Ancient Civilizations tour is a great way to check that box off. We’ll visit the wonders of ancient Mexico together, hitting the best spots along the way. You’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the wonders of Teotihuacan, Puebla, the Mayan ruins of Palenque, and much more.

Plus, since we plan the trip for you, including transportation, lodging, and even many meals, you won’t have to sweat the details. Simply book your flights, arrive at the hotel for the welcome briefing, and we’ll take it from there! Of course, you’ll still have plenty of time to do your own thing (make the most of those leisurely afternoons), but the nitty-gritty details are planned for you.

So, if you’re ready to embark on an adventure to Teotihuacan with Caravan, we are too! Book a trip today by calling 1-800-CARAVAN or 1-312-321-9800!